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Structural insights into the effect of active site mutation on carbonic anhydrase catalytic mechanismJin Kyun Kim, Cheol Lee, Seon Woo Lim, Jacob T. Andring, Aniruddha Adhikari, Robert McKenna and Chae Un Kim [1] Molecular Tour Human carbonic anhydrases catalyze the reversible hydration/dehydration of CO2/HCO3-. In this study, we investigate Val143 to Ile (V143I) mutation that alters the hydrophobic pocket of the active site. V143I variant shows ~ 10 fold decrease in kcat/KM, while kcat remains almost the same as the native CA II. Structural analysis was performed by comparing the catalytic intermediate states of native and V143I-CA II which were obtained by cryocooling protein crystals under 4 different CO2 pressures (ranging from 0 (no CO2 pressurization) to 15 atm). Structural changes in the CA II intermediates induced by the single residue mutation at the active site are identified. The V143I mutation in CA II produces steric hindrance and induces subtle changes in the active site electrostatic environment. The resulting effects on the CA II intermediates can be summarized as follows: (i) the dynamical motions and the allowed configurations of CO2 are restricted, and the binding affinity of HCO3- is increased with a distorted configuration, (ii) the water network in the water replenishment pathway is restructured, while (iii) the proton transfer dynamics is mostly unaffected. This detailed structural information can now be availed to assess the modifications in the reaction rate constants and the corresponding free energy profiles during the CO2 hydration reaction of CA II. . Overall protein backbones of the native and V143I CA II structures were very similar with the Cα – Cα r.m.s.d values being less than 0.14 Å and are represented as single white structure. The active site is located 15 Å deep from the surface. Note that Isoleucine 143 is located at the hydrophobic pocket in the active site. Active site of the V143I variant CA II 15 atm CO2 is represented as red and native CA II 15 atm CO2 is represented as white. . The intermediate waters (WI and WI′) are colored in steel blue for clarity. . PDB references: human carbonic anhydrase II, native, 0 atm CO2, 6km3; 7 atm CO2, 6km4; 13 atm CO2, 6km5; 15 atm CO2, 6km6; V143I variant, 0 atm CO2, 6klz; 7 atm CO2, 6km0; 13 atm CO2, 6km1; 15 atm CO2, 6km2. References