From Proteopedia
A list of pages and resources related to FirstGlance in Jmol:
Proteopedia Pages
- FirstGlance in Jmol - Overview of the software package and its integration into Proteopedia.
- FirstGlance/Virus Capsids and Other Large Assemblies New capabilities in August, 2022.
- AlphaFold: How to predict structures has a section on the advantages of visualization of predicted structures in FirstGlance.
- Biological Unit tells how to visualize the biological unit in FirstGlance.
- Cation-pi interactions mentions that FirstGlance has a tool to display these easily.
- ConSurf Quick Analysis Procedure mentions using FirstGlance to visualize ConSurf results.
- Disulfide bond mentions FirstGlance's tool that highlights these and quantitates all sulfurs and seleniums.
- Electron density maps
mentions how easy it is to see them in FirstGlance, and provides animated illustrations from FirstGlance.
- Electrostatic potential maps
- FirstGlance/Evaluating Protein Crosslinks
- FirstGlance/How To Measure A Virus Capsid
- FirstGlance/Visualizing Conservation:
Easy ways to see ConSurf colors for residues of interest.
- Free R tells how FirstGlance helps to interpret free R.
- Help:Copying FirstGlance Scenes into Proteopedia
- Hydrogen bonds describes the Contacts & Non-Covalent Interactions tool in FirstGlance.
- How to see conserved regions includes a section on FirstGlance.
- Interpreting ConSurf Results
discusses advantages of using FirstGlance.
- Practical Guide to Homology Modeling a section on visualizing predicted structures in FirstGlance.
- Protein crosslinks: FirstGlance automatically detects and alerts you to six unusual types.
- Salt bridges mentions that FirstGlance has a tool to display these easily.
- Introduction to Structural Bioinformatics: Syllabi and assessment tools based heavily on use of FirstGlance by students.
- Temperature value mentions the use of FirstGlance to color by temperature, and to list missing residues and incomplete sidechains.
External Resources
- FirstGlance.Jmol.Org: the software package itself.
- What Is FirstGlance in Jmol: an overview of capabilities.
- YouTube illustrated talk introducing FirstGlance and its design goals.
- Examples (in Google Slides) of animations easily created in FirstGlance.
- Index to FirstGlance: Where to find specific tools within FirstGlance, and how to do specific tasks using FirstGlance.